Why I’m Thankful for the San Diego Trolley (and other little things)


Many times I find myself so incredibly caught up in the deeper parts of life not going the way I think they must. I bet many do that, thinking we could have a better relationship with our partner (or a relationship at all), better ties with friends or family, a job that’s always high pay and fulfilling, a more in shape body, children that listen more, exciting travel adventures, or maybe we think there’s something missing in our lives but don’t quite know what it is.But what about the little pieces of life that might not seem so earth-shatteringly significant, but taken as a whole make living grand? Today I list out my favorite small things in an effort to spark your thoughts on the lesser aspects of life that make you most grateful.1. Public transportation. Living in a city with access to busses and trolleys has opened my world to a decreased dependency on my car enabling it to last longer, getting to feel the cool San Diego breeze while I ride my bike, having an effortless workout, avoiding long traffic stops and feeling connected to humanity as I find myself talking to people going from one point to the next.2. Valet employees at the Horton Grand Hotel. Living across the street, I know two by name and the rest always give a friendly wave and pleasant smile. A few days ago, I chatted with one about our mutual crappy day. We talked about how needing to leave the apartment and do something is healthier than wallowing in self pity. He shared that he sometimes does the same, and then we both wished each other a better rest of the day. A five-minute chat can lift spirits and elevate moods. It did for me.3. People that perform random acts of kindness. A friend recently shared the following story while traveling on a Southwest Airlines flight:

"Tony and I are truly blessed to be recognized in such crazy situations. On our flight from San Diego to the Bay Area on August 8th, the nicest    Southwest stewardess, Kris Martin, took our drink order and asked if we were military. After saying yes, she brings us both Jack and Cokes, and then a second one shortly after (no charge). She then announces to the entire plane that we are newlyweds and that Tony is a Captain in the Marine Corps and asked everyone for a donation to send us on a nice dinner. $143, and a bottle of champagne later we are greeted by every passenger as we exit the plane. The most amazing experience! We are so blessed for those that honor the military and respect the sacrifice that comes along with it. God bless all those on our southwest flight along with their incredible crew members."

What Tony and Alexandria received due to the kindness of others. This is an amazing reminder of the supreme generosity of strangers and the need we all have to help others and be connected to one another.  4. Beauty of the outdoors. The beauty of Mother Nature is magnificent. I always have to remind myself to go on long hikes, view waterfalls, observe and listen to the ocean rising and lowering on the beach and overall take time to enjoy outdoor surroundings. This is our opportunity to be completely present in the glorious moment. And, as an added bonus you can snap a quick cell phone shot, share with friends on Facebook and even blow up to hang on your wall.  5. Facebook/Texting. Now I know many have a love/hate relationship with these communication mediums, but I am grateful for the regular contact with my three closest girlfriends. In years prior, I would have had to call them from home on a landline, but now no matter where I’m located be that on a U.S. Navy ship or in a hotel in Timor Leste, we can support each other with Facebook messaging or an encouraging text. It certainly has drawbacks as it can mean less frequency of face-to-face communications and phone calls, but being in a new city and working on building close ties, I’ve found it to be one of my greatest support tools.  6. My rooftop deck. Every Friday, I go to the top of the adjacent apartment building with a book, a chilled glass of flavored water, cold spray for the heat, my phone, and a beach towel. For just one hour (as I’m very light skinned and not interested in skin cancer), I check in with my closest friends, read and enjoy the feel of the warm sun across my body. Sometimes depending on how the wind blows, I get the smells of the city restaurants. It’s so peaceful and beautiful, as every sense is heightened. It’s a time in the week that I cherish and look forward to having. There are so many more I could list (a friendly landlady, award-winning hair salon in the apartment building, access to a fun downtown, a library card, having XM satellite radio in the car, etc) but now it’s your turn. What are the little things in life that make you happy?Special thanks to Alexandria and Tony Gregory for allowing me to share their story.  


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