The beginning of my journey


This entry marks my first official personal blog posting and explains why I’m embarking on this project. My intent here is driven from a sincere desire to help others by sharing relatable life experiences, how I found and continue to chart my way through adversity and in an effort to better understand myself and my relationships with others.Not all my postings will be positive, but many will be. Not all my postings you’ll agree with, but hope many of you can understand my point of view. I intend to create a space in cyber world where my observations on life people enjoy reading and spark discussions to lead us to deeper insights.I struggled for the last year deciding if I was ready to write something so personal, so authentic but I must take this risk and figure out my voice and how best to express it. And I want to also share the wonderful experiences I'm so privileged to have, as we all have so many reasons to be grateful.For those of you reading my work for the first time, or for those who haven’t read my writings on Facebook, let me briefly tell you the basics. I’m 37 years old, divorced, and I’m an active duty naval officer with 18 years of service, with ten of those years as enlisted time. I love my calling as a public affairs officer. Within weeks of separating from my ex-spouse in April 2013, I moved to San Diego and went on two deployments. For 15 exciting months while assigned to an amphibious assault ship then on to a humanitarian military mission, I visited more than 10 countries, immersed myself in local cultures, made great friends, led fantastic teams and honed my career skills. I strive to be a good example for those thinking of joining the military and overall those seeking to improve themselves.I now have returned and live with myself in downtown San Diego. I stay busy decorating my space, working out, reading, studying for the GRE, and spending time with friends. I recently decided to take a hiatus from dating and drinking, and I’m going back to church.My hope with these writings is a sense of humbleness. Never will this project come from a place of ego. I will never write about issues that cause embarrassment to friends, family or enemies nor will I go too far into political issues. Instead, this is a space to discuss subjects I’ve struggled to overcome to include bullying, a lack of self confidence, and continuing to date people that were wrong for me. I decided to quit drinking socially after educating myself on the reasons why I drank. I’ve surpassed many challenges on some levels, but have lots more work to do.I chose the name Theresa’s Tapestries because life is a patchwork of different relationships, ideas, memories, and interests that come together, making us who we are. My experiences have put me exactly where I am today, leaving me with no regrets and mostly excited to see how these next chapters play out.No one enjoys reading rambling postings so the posts will always be short and with a takeaway on an observation. Please feel free to agree or disagree with my conclusions. I want this space to be a place where my friends and family get to know me better, I get to know myself better and along the way build new connections.Thank you for joining this path with me. I hope you’ll enjoy the writings. We all have the power within ourselves to live our best potential. This is my way to do just that.


Teaching Haters How to Treat You